
Al-Quds Committee

Agenda Item: Tackling the oppression and aggression against the Gaza Strip

Al Quds Committee is an intergovernmental organization and one of the four standing committees of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation established in July 1975. It focuses on cultural, political, social, religious issues and human rights in Jerusalem caused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Its principles are mainly focused on protecting Al-Aqsa and the city’s cultural heritage, in addition to serving as an advocacy body specializing in humanitarian and social work, related to health, education, children’s and women’s rights.
It manages several projects in the city of Jerusalem such as sports activities, health awareness programs and scholarships, in addition to serving as a financial aid institute for the restoration of houses affected by war. As of July 2021, it had funded approximately $57 million to implement social, cultural, educational, health and housing projects in Jerusalem and Palestine. He was also responsible for advocating for the support of the King Hassan II School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in Gaza.

Note: Official language of this committee is English.